
Friday, July 26, 2013

Cara Murah Cegah Nyamuk


Nyamuk cukup mengganggu dan sangat berbahaya
sebagai penyebar berbagai penyakit mematikan.
Cairan pembunuh serangga di pasaran kurang
efisien dan bahkan membawa dampak sampingan
yang serius.

Berikut ini cara MUDAH dan MURAH yang
bisa dicoba.
Cocok untuk segala kondisi pemukiman, sekolah,
rumah sakit, dll.
Sangat KREATIF bila dikenalkan pada para siswa
sekolah untuk dicoba di sekolah dan di rumah

Yang dibutuhkan :
- 200 ml air
- 50 gram gula merah
- 1 gram ragi (beli di toko makanan kesehatan,
warung, atau pasar)
- botol plastik 1,5 liter

Langkah-langkah pembuatan

1. Potong botol plastik di tengah.
Simpan bagian atas/mulut botol.

2. Campur gula merah dengan air panas.
Biarkan hingga dingin dan kemudian tuangkan
di separuh bagian potongan bawah botol. 

3. Tambahkan ragi.
Tidak perlu diaduk.
Ini akan menghasilkan karbon-dioksida. 

4. Pasang/masukkan potongan botol bagian atas
dengan posisi terbalik seperti corong. 

5. Bungkus botol dengan sesuatu yang hitam,
kecuali bagian atas, dan diletakkan di beberapa
sudut rumah Anda. 

Dalam dua minggu, Anda akan melihat jumlah
nyamuk yang mati di dalam botol. 

Selain membersihkan habitat mereka,
tempat berkembang biak nyamuk, kita dapat
menggunakan metode ini sangat berguna
di sekolah-sekolah, TK, rumah sakit dan rumah.

(Sebarkan kepada anak, teman, dan kerabat
Anda agar nyamuk bisa diberantas)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Did you know ... about cats

01. Cats have five fingers on each of its front legs, and only four in the rear.

02. The cat appeared on Earth before the dog and that most of the animals that have become household, however, has been one of the last to be tamed.

03. Aspirin is toxic to cats.

04. The cat has 32 muscles in each ear. In addition, they act as satellite dishes and head towards the sound source.

05. The kittens have blue eyes. It takes several months until they reach their final color.

06. The cat's nostrils are 19 million nerve endings. The man have only 5 million.

07. For the cats are identified by their nose. Human beings have unique fingerprints. The cat's nose is its "fingerprint."

08. The cat's whiskers fall out and grow back periodically. Their disappearance affects the movement and sense of orientation of the animal. Therefore, it is important not to cut.

09. Each cat has its own meow and purr. Can two cats purring with a similar but nevertheless there is always some difference.

10. Siamese spots on the legs, tail, ears, nose and mouth is where the body temperature are lower than in the party are white.

11. There is a plant that loves cats. I enjoy sublime moments ago for a few minutes. It is

12. The nepeta cataria, also called mint cats, family, thyme and lavender. Her perfume triggers a behavior in the animal, similar to that of a female in heat.

13. Tricolored cats are always females.

14. Was believed that cats were unable to distinguish colors. However, recent studies show that they can see blue, green and red.

15. The cats can not perceive sweet tastes.

16. A cat can hear sounds about two octaves higher than humans.

17. A cat has four rows of whiskers on each side of the face, when the animal is calm, remain from the side, while if you have back in a position to attack or defense.

18. The cat's tongue is comprised of small "hooks" that they are useful for catching and tearing the food.

19. Americans annually spend more money on cat food than baby food.

20. The cat's night vision is about six times better than men due to the tapetum lucidum, a structure composed of cells of the eye capable of acting as mirrors, magnifying the faintest glimmer of light.

21. Most of the cats has no eyelashes.

22. Purring does not always mean peace. The cat also purrs when he is sick or scared, and says that he does to calm himself.

23. Cats sleep 16 to 19 hours a day. But still asleep, are alert to any stimulus.
In addition to do with the nose, smell cats with an organ, called Jacobson's, located on the roof of the mouth.

24. The tail is a key organ in the balance of the cat serves as a pole in the hands of or tightrope walker.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Akibat mencabut uban

  • Masalah rambut beruban pada usia muda sudah tentu merunsingkan ramai dan seringkali kita berasa curiga akan akibat mencabut uban. Ada yang berpendapat bahawa perbuatan tersebut akan menyebabkan lebih banyak uban tumbuh di rambut.

    Namun, sejauh manakah kebenaran bagi anggapan sedemikian?

    Cunnane Phillips, iaitu seorang pakar trikologi di Klinik Philip Kingsley di New York berkongsi pendapat bahawa perbuatan mencabut uban tidak mendatangkan sebarang faedah. Sekiranya dijadikan tabiat, ianya akan mendatangkan kesan yang tidak ideal terhadap folikel rambut.

    Tambahnya lagi, rambut yang dicabut seringkali tidak akan tumbuh semula kerana tabiat sedemikian akhirnya akan memberi sebuah mesej kepada folikel bahawa rambut tidak perlu dihasilkan di kawasan tersebut.

    Sebagai akibat, folikel rambut mengecil dan tidak lagi menghasilkan rambut, lantas membawa kepada masalah kebotakan.

    Oleh itu, jika mengalami masalah rambut beruban, cara terbaik untuk mengatasinya adalah dengan menggunakan pewarna rambut.